Self-Advocacy and Conflict Resolution Strategies
...made easy!
The following references were cited on this website and/or were used in creating materials for SACR instruction.
Bethune, L. (2015) The effects of the Self-Advocacy and Conflict Resolution training on ability to request and negotiate academic accommodations with high school students with autism spectrum disorders. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Charlotte, North Carolina.
Durlak, C., Rose, E., & Bursuck, W. (1994). Preparing high school students with learning disabilities for the transition to postsecondary education: Teaching the skills of self-determination. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 27, 51-59.
Finn, D., Getzel, E. E., & McManus, S. (2008). Adapting the self-determined learning model of instruction of college students with disabilities. Career Development for Exceptional Individuals, 31, 85-93.
Holzberg, D. G., Test, D. W., & Rusher, D. E. (2019). Effects of self-advocacy and conflict resolution instruction on the ability of high school seniors with mild disabilities to request and negotiate academic accommodations. Remedial and Special Education, 40, 166 – 176. doi: 10.1177/0741932517752059
Palmer, C., & Roessler, R. T. (2000). Requesting classroom accommodations: Self-advocacy and conflict resolution training for college students with disabilities. Journal of Rehabilitation, 66, 38-43.
Prater, M. A., Redman, A. S., Anderson, D., & Gibb, G. S. (2014). Teaching adolescent students with learning disabilities to self-advocate for accommodations. Intervention in School and Clinic, 49, 298-305. doi:10.1177/1053451213513958
Rumrill, P., Palmer, C., Roessler, R., & Brown, P. (1999). Self-advocacy & conflict resolution training: Strategies for the classroom accommodation request. University of Arkansas: Project Accommodations Planning Training (APT).
Test, D. W., Fowler, C. H., Wood, W. M., Brewer, D. M., & Eddy, S. (2005). A conceptual framework of self-advocacy for students with disabilities. Remedial and Special Education, 26, 43-54. doi: 10.1177/07419325050260010601
Walker, A., & Test, D. W. (2011). Using a self-advocacy strategy intervention on African American college students’ ability to request academic accommodations. Learning Disabilities Research and Practice, 26, 134-144. doi:10.1111/1540-5826.2011.00333
Wehmeyer, M. L., & Abery, B. H. (2013). Self-determination and choice. Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 51, 399-411.
White, G. W., Vo, Y. T. H. (2006). Requesting accommodations to increase full participation in higher education: An analysis of self-advocacy training for postsecondary students with learning and other disabilities. Learning Disabilities, 14, 41-56.
Wood, C. L., Kelley, K. R., Test, D. W., & Fowler, C. H., (2010). Comparing audio-supported text and explicit instruction on students’ knowledge of accommodations, rights, and responsibilities. Career Development for Exceptional Individuals, 33, 115-124